Traveling to Malaysia Soon? Read This First

Yasiru Nilan
5 min readAug 3, 2022
Photo by Izuddin Helmi Adnan / Unsplash

We are living in a time period where we can’t travel freely as we did back in those days before 2020. This applies to traveling locally as well abroad. So there are certain things that you need to know before traveling specially when it comes to traveling abroad.

After Covid-19 different countries have different travel restrictions implemented. Some countries have different travel restrictions.

Depending on the country you are visiting, you may have a check. The restriction levels are enforced by the authorities in that particular country. Because some countries are having light travel registrations as well as some other countries have tight restrictions.

In my case, I was traveling to Malaysia. So in this article, I will be telling you about the things that I had to follow and things that would be useful for you all if you are visiting next time to Malaysia.

There is a mobile application named MySejahtera. The app is available on both App Store and Play Store. You need to have this mobile application installed in your mobile application. It’s a MUST !!!

MySejahtera app in Play Store



Yasiru Nilan

Passionate Lover of New Tech ❤ Associate Tech Lead @ Ideabits ❤ Blogger who writes about his adventures around the world(