en route to Malaysia

Yasiru Nilan
8 min readOct 2, 2022


Yey!! were are traveling to Malaysia. Come with us

As I have mentioned in previous blog posts we have been planning a holiday in Malaysia for a long time. So finally we finalized our trip and we were traveling about to travel in July 2022. I have written a couple of blog posts regarding this trip including how we planned the trip, how we got the visas, how to get a travel sim and etc. If you haven’t read those yet and if you are planning to travel to Malaysia I think it might be helpful for you. So I’m adding the relevant links below.

Okay since I have covered most of the planning part in this article I thought to write about the day of the travel and our first impressions of Malaysia.

Our flight from Colombo to Kuala Lampur was scheduled for departure at 00:05 h on 7th July. So on the 6th, we had to leave for the airport. Since my and wife both had applied for leave for the coming days we didn’t apply for leave on the 6th. We both worked the day…



Yasiru Nilan

Passionate Lover of New Tech ❤ Associate Tech Lead @ Ideabits ❤ Blogger who writes about his adventures around the world(https://www.sunkisseddiaries.com/about)